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Data Center Solutions

Our top data center solutions are advanced emission control technologies and custom data center load ratings. Genpower diesel generators are field-tested and take on 100% load in one go, keeping your data safe with the title of best-in-class. We know that the value of your data in your data center depends on the uninterrupted power supply, we train our personnel and technical services as data center support specialists, and we keep your data alive while maintaining your trust.


Your data is safe with our uninterrupted, specific project solutions tailored to your needs in accordance with data center special load ratings and standards.

24/7 Technical Support

Trained and experienced data center's support personnel,


We are aware of your sensitivity to the continuity and aliveness of your data.

Quality Products

Tested approved generators that will never let you down,

Compliant with Standards

Compliant with special load ratings and standards,

Contact With US

Communication is power…

Genpower aims to provide perfect products and services by being inspired by the opinions, suggestions and thoughts of its customers.

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