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Cogeneration & Trigeneration

Cogeneration is the generation of energy from fuel in more than one form. The basic principle in cogeneration is to use the heat collected in the system for the purpose of saving, based on the electrical needs of the facility. Trigeneration, on the other hand, is to obtain cooling in addition to electricity and heat output in the cogeneration system. In the trigeneration system, hot water or exhaust collected from the engine is used to obtain cold water through absorption chiller.


In the Cogeneration-Trigeneration system, energy efficiency is increased by providing electricity and heat as a result of local production of energy, and as a result, emission levels are kept under control and carbon footprint is reduced.

Long Lasting

Long-lasting use advantage of generators,

Low Cost

A return is provided on the investment made in the long term.


Up to 40% reduction in emission values is achieved.

High Efficiency

The systems operate under maximum load and energy production is established at the highest efficiency and at the lowest cost.

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